Maths volunteers MATHs Club
We are inviting volunteers for our new activity called "Maths Volunteers (MV) Maths Club". The primary goal of this is sharing your ideas or ideas that you found interesting. Here is how it will work:
For each Maths club meeting we will have a main one or two LEADERS (speakers).
The leader(s) will provide a summary of their selected research paper in 10-15 minutes. In the summary the leader(s):
Introduce the paper, topic, journal, and authors.
Provide reason(s) why they choose this paper.
Orally present key results/findings and methods of the paper.
Invite the audience to participate in the discussion.
End with announcement of next club!
The selected paper can be the speaker's own paper or any other journal paper.
It will then be followed by discussion (Q & A session).
There's no need to make slides. You would just need to share your device (computer, laptop) screen with a PDF of paper opened.
Please write to us on for more details.